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Books by: Award-Winning Author Linda J. Hawkins

(as seen in multiple magazines & publications)

Please enjoy!

Frederica' New Home


Frederica's dilemma causes her to listen to others, love others, and share and care for them. In return, she finds exactly what she longs for. Come along for a good read and a fun journey with Frederica's New Home.


Hardcover. 8.25" X 11"; 77 pages. $20 HC has the 101 Frog Facts in the back of the book.




Paperback. 7.5" x 9.25"; 41 pages, $10




Fun Frog Booklet.  Paperback. 5" x 8"; 108 pages. $7



Frederica's New Home Kindle Edition  $3.99,



Fun Frog Facts with Frederica Ebook $2.99.



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Words Given


Join Kentuckian, Multiple Award-Winning Author Linda J. Hawkins as she celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the company she founded, Heart to Heart Publishing, Inc., with a trip down memory lane. Short stories and poems, her heart’s journey from childhood to adulthood as told for the first time. Perhaps you’ll laugh and cry as you traverse her life’s path with her. The challenges she pushed through, the memories she’s cherished, and the constant love and guidance of God every step taken and every Word Given.


Gloss-Laminated Softcover; 264 pgs. $14.99


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Mom Knows Best


Chicken Soup for the Soul, the world’s favorite and most recognized storyteller, publishes the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. With well over 100 million books sold to date in the U.S. and Canada alone, more than 250 titles, and translations into more than 40 languages, “chicken soup for the soul” is one of the world’s best-known phrases and is regularly referenced in pop culture.


"This new collection of 101 stories will show your mother, grandmother, wife, or mother-in-law just how much you appreciate her. She'll love these personal, heartwarming, sometimes hilarious anecdotes about all the adventures of motherhood and how kids eventually realize that simple truth: Mom Knows Best."


Softcover; $14.99


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Southern Seasons 12 Months of Tea-licious Recipes & Ideas


All kinds of reasons for a Southern Seasons & Tea-licious Tea Time! An engagement, a wedding, special birthdays, baby shower, celebrating an accomplishment, open house, spring has spring, summer has arrived, butterfly tea with first a caterpillar sleep-over, fall has created a painted backdrop, (who can resist?) winter-warmth cozy fire side sipping, neighborhood celebration, homeschoolers serving/etiquette, classroom sharing , senior center pick-me-up ....get the idea? Theme parties are fun.   This book guides you through the fun with ease and grace.  You will do your own tea party and wonder why you haven’t done this before!


Hardcover, 10.5 x 10.5, 200 pages. Retail $29.99





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Southern Seasons with Memory Making Recipes

is more than a cookbook. Kentucky’s own, Linda J. Hawkins has compiled a lifetime of her favorite remembrances. It is not an ordinary cookbook. There are ways to get everyone involved in creating meals and making memories that will continue from family to family. Grab a spoon, an apron, and a family member or special friend because the memories begin here.


Special Feature:

  • Classy cook/look book

  • 130 + Four season recipes

  • Simple to follow recipes with simple ingredients

  • How to create your own family memories

  • Heartwarming, inspirational stories/quotes

  • Engaging, refreshing photography

  • Menu planning tips

  • Tips for picky children’s snacking 


Hardcover with Concealed wire-O for special recipe use. Prevents spilling on book/or closing while in use. 182 pages. Retail $27.99

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The Unspoken Language of Fans & Flowers with Recipes


This book gives the reader a glimpse into the past era when a lady's fan employed a message of enticement, love, or rejection without uttering a word.

Flowers also impart silent meanings to their recipients. Imagine a wedding bouquet with all flowers select according to their meanings, charts of flower meanings, edible flower recipes, poems & quotes.


Book includes:
  •  History of fans
  •  Intro to flowers
  •  The unspoken language of fans/flowers
  •  Edible flowers
  •  Recipes
  •  Adsmore Museum


Hardback, 8 1/2 x 8 1/2, 72 pages
$19.99  (Book Only



Fans & Flowers Gift Set

You can get The Unspoken Language of Fans and Flowers book and a beautiful fan with a delicate lace pattern made from Sandelwood, enclosed in a slender glass top gift box. $24.95

Catering to Children with Recipes for Memorable Tea Parties


Catering to Children, with recipes for memorable tea parties, helps us to reach back to a time of gentle graces to recreate for the special people in our lives. We can slow down, allowing precious memories to be shared using the information form this book to guide us. Catering to Children tells how to plan and host a tea party, gives the history of tea, describes interesting party games, and lists the health benefits of tea & simple steps to tea brewing. The book also has recipes to insure a delightful tea time.


Book includes:
  •  Hosting a tea party
  •  Types of teas
  •  Serving tea
  •  Help etiquette tips
  •  Tea party games
  •  Health benefits of tea
  •  History and quick facts
  •  Definitions
  •  Recipes
  •  For the child within Ages 2-92​


Hardback, 8 1/2 x 8 1/2, 56 pages


The Pointer​


Linda J. Hawkins has released her first inspirational book The Pointer.  This little 58 page BIG book points you to the greatest book ever written, “The Holy Bible”.  She says “We have read many books that inspire, entertain, and teach us and even enrich our lives, but, “The Book” I am referring to can completely change an individual for the best make-over they’ve ever experienced.


She will direct you to positive affirmations; help you to speak your own, as you grasp the most comforting and inspiring words ever written.


The Pointer, can be a powerful tool, pointing all who read it to faith-filled words.  Hope and personal Spirit empowerment are the forefront of this book, which can also function as a devotional.


They tuck easily inside a man’s pocket or a ladies purse.  They can be a voice of hope to the hurting.  Buy by the dozen or case to share.  Have one handy when visiting a hurting friend, neighbor, the hospital, nursing home or funeral home or use for jail/prison ministries.  This can be a small gift with great potential to serve and help others. This project is sponsored by several individuals and businesses.


Soft Cover, 4.75" x 5.75" , 58 pages


Who Gives a Hoot?


Hunter Hoot, a young owl, leaves his mother to explore alone and finds himself in an upsetting situation. A curious child takes Hunter to be her pet, dresses him in doll clothes, and feeds him tea party treats not meant for owls. Noticing his distress, she must decide whether to keep him or release him to his natural habitat. Will she make the right choice? Will Hunter Hoot  get to see his mom again?​


Parents and teachers will appreciate the resources listed. Facts about hoot owls are interwoven into the story, making learning about them fun. The story ends with an enjoyable activity, a hands-on-project, preparing and sharing a delicious, healthy snack, and a message from our forest rangers.


Soft Cover, 7" X 7," 40 pages


Chicken Soup for the Soul, Miracles and More


Miracles are all around us - we just have to look to see them. These powerful stories will deepen your faith and show you that good things do happen to good people. From guardian angels to divine messengers, from miraculous healing to messages from heaven, from mysterious dreams that come true to divine coincidence, you'll be in awe as you read these 101 stories of true wonder and inspiration. These stories are written by real people - ordinary people who have had extraordinary experiences - who are just as surprised that these things happen to them as we are to read about them.


Linda's story, "The Unexpected Miracle," was chosen to be among the 101 stories in this volume. You can purchase special signed editions here.



Soft Cover, 5.75" x 8.75", 372 pages


Alejandro 3-in-1 Special Edition (Spanish)


¿Qué tienen en común? una búsqueda de la merienda perfecta, un viaje a la tienda y un paseo en bicicleta al parche de bayas. ¡El comienzo de una gran aventura gastronómica! Únase con Alejandro mientras aprende más sobre los alimentos que comemos todos los días y cómo ayudan a que nuestros cuerpos sean sanos y fuertes.


Esta deliciosa historia de tres en uno, con sus muchas ilustraciones brillantes y atractivas, ayuda a que el aprendizaje sobre la buena nutrición diversión! Los niños amarán la fruta colorida, los caracteres vegetarianos y de la bayas tales como Señorita uva gruñona, el jefe Señor brócoli y el pequeño Ray azul. Los padres amarán las ideas provechosas y las recetas deliciosas a hacer junto con Alejandro. ¡ todo el mundo disfrutará aprendiendo más sobre nutrición de una manera divertida y creativa!


What do a search for the perfect snack, a trip to the grocery store and a bike ride to the berry patch all have in common? The start of a Great Food Adventure! Join Alexander as he learns more about the foods we eat every day and how they help make our bodies healthy and strong.


This delightful three-in-one story, with its many bright and engaging illustrations, helps make learning about good nutrition fun! Children will love the colorful fruit, veggie and berry characters such as Grumpy Miss Grape, Bossy Mr. Broccoli and Little Blue Ray. Parents will love the helpful ideas and delicious recipes to make along with Alexander. Everyone will enjoy learning more about nutrition in a fun and creative way!


Soft Cover, 8" X 8", 84 pages







Alexander & the Great Berry Patch​

School has ended! Summer is ahead...what's next? Alexander gets a job at Mr. Ray's Berry Patch. The Berries are determined to help Alexander learn some fun facts. Alexander is equally determined to ignore the talkative and pesky little Berries. He thinks learning is just for school time-not summer time...see how Alexander handles his summer days. Those juicy little berries may help you find learning to be exciting and fun!


Book includes
  •  Exciting narrative of Alexander and his nine Berry friends
  •  Hands-on recipe information
  •  Exercise and nutrition tips
  •  Very Berry Slushy recipe


Hard Cover, 8 1/2" x 11", 40 pages


Soft Cover, 8 1/2" x 11", 40 pages


When you click on the "Purchase E-book" button, you will be taken to another site to complete the purchase of  digital product.




Alexander & the Great Food Fight​

Alexander is looking for a snack that tastes great. His friends, the fruit in the basket on the kitchen table, want him to eat snacks good for his body. With so many delicious choices, what should Alexander do?

Book includes
  •  Fun story focusing on making correct nutritional choices
  •  Bright, colorful illustrations featuring Alexander and his friends
  •  Nutritional information resource pages that help meet health teaching requirements
  •  Fruit salad recipes included for a wonderful hands-on learning activity


Hardback, 8 1/2" x 11", 40 pages


Alexander & the Vegetable Feud

Alexander accidentally kicks a ball into his neighbor's vegetable garden. As he retrieves the ball, he comments, "I hate vegetables". Suddenly, the vegetables all come to life and start debating who is the most nutritious for growing a strong and healthy body.

Book includes
  •  Fun story focusing on making correct nutritional choices
  •  Bright, colorful illustrations featuring Alexander and his friends
  •  Nutritional information resources pages that help meet health teaching requirements
  •  Veggie pasta salad recipes included for a wonderful hands-on learning activity


Hardback, 8 1/2 x 11", 40 pages

Alexander Flipbook


Two books under one laminated paper cover. When you reach the center of the book, you will find another story upside down. Flip it over and enjoy!



Soft Cover, 8 1/2 x 11 in

​80 pages

Alexander's Enrichment Activities

These activity books  were designed for parents and educators to use in conjunction with the Alexander books. They are now available as downloads. They are $1.99 each.



Activities Book

This booklet has a lot of fun activites that will enable you to help your young learners to make nutritious choices. File format PDF, 18 pages.

Lesson Plans

This booklet contains lessons plans to help students reflect on the lessons Alexander shares with them. File format PDF,  20 pages.

Coloring Book

This booklet contains several coloring pages. File format PDF, 21 pages.



When you click on the "Purchase" button, you will be taken to another site to complete the purchase of the digital product.



If you enjoy my books, and you're so inclined, please tell your friends or post online.

© 2020 Linda J. Hawkins                          Web design by © 2020


Office: 270-991-0881


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