Linda J. Hawkins
Bestselling & Award-Winning Author

Frog Shaped Cookie Cutters
Small Frog and Bookmark. $1.99
Large Frog and Bookmark. $2.99

​Jenna's Top the Teapot Game
Durable, vinyl game, 17x23" poster with ten game pieces.
The creator of the game, Jenna, (age 9) was named Young Entrepreneur
2008 when she entered Bucks For Bright Ideas, Western Kentucky University.

Victorian Fan
This fan has a delicate lace pattern made from Sandelwood, enclosed in a slender glass top gift box. Purchase separate or as gift set.
Fan only $6.95
Victorian Fan Gift Set
The Unspoken Language of Fans and Flowers plus Victorian Fan gift set. $24.95

Fruit or Vegetable Seedies
Fruit &/or vegetable characters help teach your class or family good healthy snacking choices. As the children mimic the fruit they add nutritional information to their memory bank, something they will draw from again and again. Seedies are designed with high quality materials.
Fruit 5-7" high | set of 6 for $29.99.
Vegetables 3-6" high | set of 7 for $34.99.
For schools and non-profit organizations, please call for discount 270-526-5589.

Alexander's Read & Sing-A-Long CD
Are you looking for a fun way to teach children good nutritional choices? Children can really get a good grasp on nutritional while at the same time be totally entertained by the lovable food characters in this sing-a-long. Children will think they are only having fun, yet important information is being absorbed into their active minds. Listen and allow the fun times to begin!
If you enjoy these products, and you're so inclined, please tell your friends or post online.