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God Bless America, and America Bless God!

Linda J. Hawkins

God Bless America, and America Bless God! God Bless America— From sea to shining sea, Protect our liberties, Defend our nation, Keep us safe from harm. God Bless America— Provide our daily bread, Please keep our children fed, Give strength to work For You supply our needs. God Bless America— With leaders who will hear From You through daily prayer Make good decisions Strong as they can be. We ask these things from You And so we say Will America bless God? Can we honor you in freedom And in truth, May we worship You? Will America bless God? Will we put You first In all we say and do? May we seek You? You are the Source of our Freedom You are Provision and Rest As we celebrate our nation today We pray that America, Would bless You, God.

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