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To The Garden

Linda J. Hawkins

April is National Garden Month! While the days are lovely and not yet hot, how pleasant to spend some time each morning in your very own “Outdoor Room”—the garden. I like to spend time with the Lord as I tend the garden. He is the Master Gardener that tends each and every flower!

* As I pull weeds, I can pray and ask the Lord to pull everything out of my life that may be a distraction from His purpose for me.

*As I prune dead branches, I ask God to prune away any attitudes or thoughts that don’t belong—replacing it with forgiveness.

*As I sweep the front porch and walkway, may He “create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.”

*As I plant fresh flowers and fertilize the growing blooms, I can think on His Word and let it freshen and restore my soul.

*As I paint old porch chairs or put out lovely, outdoor pillows, I may ask the Lord to help me prepare room in my heart for Him—this day and every day.

How are you tending your garden this month? How is our Heavenly Father tending your heart?

You can get this recipe and many more in Linda's new book: Southern Seasons 12 Months of Tea-licious Recipes & Ideas! Buy it here.

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